Tuesday, March 26, 2013

new needles

Did you know that you should switch out the needle on your sewing machine after eight hours of use, at most?  It's true.  And it's even better to switch it out after every major project.  A fresh needle really can make a difference...  You might notice a sense of sluggishness while sewing, like your needle is struggling to get through the fabric. Or you may be increasingly frustrated with frequent snags, uneven stitches, and/or tension problems.  A huge tell-tale sign for me is when I start hearing a tapping or popping sound while I sew (aka. a dull needle).  So don't wait until your needle breaks.  Change it frequently and you'll find yourself sewing with renewed ease!  *B

1 comment:

Brian and Lisa said...

Funny that you mention this.... I was just hearing that popping noise yesterday and wondered if that meant I needed to change out my needle...